Vance's Fantastic Tap Dictionary
F - N

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Falling Off the Log A twisting movement normally traveling to the side in a grapevine fashion.
Five Waltz Clog Time Step: Step L, Shuffle R, Ball change R-L. Reverse. (A term of the "old school").
Flap A forward brush step: With the knee in a flexed position, strike the ball of the free foot against the floor in a forward motion, stepping forward on the same foot; the step takes weight. May be executed in any direction but normally forward.
Flat Tap A striking of the entire flat of the free foot in any desired direction. The movement does not take weight.
Flat Step A striking of the entire flat of the free foot. The movement does not take weight.
Flea Hop A sliding movement on one foot while the other foot is in the air; executed from side to side or front to back: Raise R leg up to waist level with the knee flexed and parallel to the body; swing R leg straight to R side while sliding to the R side on the left foot; follow with a Step R. This movement may also be executed with the knee in a flexed position.
Flip Same as a Back Brush Step.
Flop Same as a Slam: A flat foot tap involving no weight - the leg is straight as the foot strikes the floor, usually to the front or side.
Four Same as a "Shuffle - Ball Change."
French Twist Originally used in the French Can Can. "Working high on the balls of the feet and moving forward, step XF of the opposite foot and reverse which gives the twisting effect -- normally executed a number of times in succession."
Glide Same as Over The Top: the point of one toe strikes the floor across and in front of the opposite foot, followed by a leaping over the toe and landing on the opposite foot.
Graboff A term frequently used for a shuffle pickup change:
A. Measure Count Movement     
a 8 Shuffle R bk (to R side)
and a Pickup change L to R
1 Drop R heel
Grab Roll A movement very similar to the graboff and in the category of pullbacks.
a 1 Shuffle R bk (to R side)
and a Pickup change L to R
2 Step L
Grapevine A ballroom movement that has been adapted to all forms of dance, and consists of walking to the side
1 1 Step R (to R side)
2 Step L (XB of R)
3 Step R (to R side)
4 Step L (XF of R)
Hamp Same as a flat footed Hop - A Hop executed on the flat of the same foot.
Heel Brush Back Executed in the same fashion as a Back Brush but striking the back edge of the heel against the floor. Similar to the Riffle.
Heel Change A changing of the weight from the heel of the forward foot to the ball of the back foot.
Heel Click A striking of the heels together: With the weight evenly divided on the balls of the feet, twist the heels inward striking them together.
Heel Close An outward and inward movement employing two sounds with the same foot:
1 Heel tap R fwd (to R side)
and Close or Step R (to L side)
Heel Cramp Same as a Heel Drop: A forceful dropping of the heel to the floor while the weight is placed on the ball of the same foot.
Heel Dig Strike the back edge of the heel fwd, to the floor, with the toe raised. This movement takes weight.
Heel Drop Also called a Heel Beat or Heel Down -- a forceful dropping of the heel to the floor while the weight is placed on the ball of the same foot.
Heel Rock Dig R heel fwd, step bk L.
Heel Roll Heel Drops executed one after the other; normally used in Cramproll patterns and sometimes counted "1 and a 2."
Heel Scuff A heel movement executed in the same manner as a forward brush wherein the back edge of the heel strikes the floor in a pendulum like movement.
Heel Stand A Heel Dig fwd (toe raised) with all of the weight of the body on the one heel. The opposite foot is raised back, in the air.
Heel Step Same as a Heel Dig.
Heel Stub An accented Heel Drop which may be executed on one or both feet. Similar to a Chug in movement. Not a standard term.
Heel Tap A striking of the back edge of the heel against the floor with the toe raised. This movement does not take weight.
Heel Thump Same as a Chug: A forward movement accenting the heel drop.
Heel Toe A movement in which the back edge of the heel strikes the floor, fwd of the supporting foot, transferring the weight fwd to the heel. Force the ball of the foot down to the floor.
Heel Twist A tap movement derived from the basic Charleston step, consisting of the inward and outward motion of the toes.
Hitch Stand on R ft, knee bent, L leg in air; slide bk on ball of R ft - AST straightening R leg.
Hitch - Kick With the weight on the R ft; extend the L leg fwd in the air (straight).
Hop A jump into the air on one foot: With the weight on one foot and the free foot in the air in any direction, flex the knee of the supporting foot; spring into the air and land on the same foot.
Hop Clog One of the many approaches to the waltz Clog employing a hop.
1 Hop L
and 2 Shuffle R
and 3 Ball change R-L
Hop Double Hop Same as a Hop, Shuffle, Hop.
Improvisation To perform without dancing to a set pattern of steps or routine.
Inside Slide Same as a Flea Hop
Irish Adapted from the Irish Clog:
and 8 Shuffle R fwd
and Hop L
1 1 Step R
and 2 Shuffle R fwd
and Hop R
3 Step L
Back Irish:
and 8 Shuffle R fwd (to R side)
and Hop L
1 1 Step R (XF of L)
and 2 Shuffle L fwd (to L side)
and Hop R
3 Step L (XF of R)
Irish Jig Folk dance of Ireland.
Jingle A metal disc containing a loose washer within, worn at the instep next to the heel. It produces extra sounds when executing tap movements; similar to "jingle taps" that are in two parts and produce a double action sound.
Jump A spring into the air from both feet, landing on both feet in any direction.
Kick With the weight on one foot, flex the knee of the free foot in the air and extend free foot straight; may be executed to the front, side, back or across front or back of the supporting leg.
Lamp A leap from one foot to the other but landing on the flat of the entire foot.
Leap A leap into the air from the supporting foot, landing on the opposite foot. A leap always involves a change of weight from one foot to the other.
Legomania A form of "rubber legs" dance employing high kicks.
Lunge The pushing of one foot forward with a bent knee in an exaggerated movement. Usually executed to the side.
Maxie Ford A combination with many variations:
Simple Maxie Ford:
1 1 Leap fwd to R ft
and 2 Shuffle L (to L side)
and Leap fwd to L ft
3 Toe tap R bk
1 Leap fwd (flat) to R ft
and a Shuffle L (to L side)
2 and Pickup  change R to L
a Drop L heel
3 Toe tap R bk
Nerve Taps Also known as a Nerve Roll -- a series of rapid consecutive taps with the heel, ball or toe effected by the vibration of the leg. "The motion begins from the hip and the leg is both tensed and straight."

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